2024 Winter Getaway

Release of Liability Agreement

Who needs to sign this form?

Anyone over 18 years old who plans to travel on the Pro Grower/Evolution Ag 2024 Winter Getaway. You cannot sign and agree to the Release of Liability Agreement for another adult. If you were registered by someone else, and did not sign and agree to the Release of Liability Agreement during registration—you must do so before traveling. If you’re not sure if you agreed to these terms previously, there’s no harm in signing again.

Please remember to click the orange “Submit” button when you’re finished. If you have any questions, contact a member of the Summit Planners team at ProGrowEvoAg@spmeetings.com.

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Release of Liability Agreement:

Thank you for participating in the 2024 PRO GROWER/EVOLUTION AG Winter Getaway (hereafter “Getaway”). We ask for your understanding and cooperation in maintaining the safety and health of all participants by agreeing to the following:

  1. In consideration for being allowed to participate in Getaway events and related travel sponsored by PRO GROWER/EVOLUTION AG, I do hereby waive, release, and forever discharge PRO GROWER/EVOLUTION AG, and its officers, shareholders, agents, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns (“the Released Parties”), from any and all responsibility or liability for injuries, damages, or other losses of any kind sustained on account of, resulting from, or otherwise connected in any way with my participation in any travel, booking, or related activities sponsored, organized, or arranged by PRO GROWER/EVOLUTION AG, including specifically any injuries or damages caused by the omissions of any of the Released Parties or others acting on their behalf.
  2. I understand and am aware that both domestic and international travel come with potential hazards and risks, and I am voluntarily participating in Getaway activities with knowledge of the dangers or other risks involved. I agree to participate at my own risk. I agree to comply with all federal, state, and local laws, orders, directives, and guidelines related to the Getaway.

By typing your name in the signature box below, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and voluntarily agree to this Release of Liability Agreement.

Guest Release of Liability Signature Box
By typing your first and last name in the signature boxes above, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and voluntarily agree to this Release of Liability Agreement for yourself and any of your minor children.
Please enter your email above so we can send a confirmation for your records.
Name of Person You're Traveling with:
To help us coordinate, please enter the first and last name of the person you are traveling with.